
With the name of Almighty, the most Merciful

  "To know what we know and to know what we do not know - that is wisdom."

Mr. Rashed Hossain Bhuiyan
Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
BUET, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. 

M.Sc. in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, BUET.
B.Sc. in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, BUET.
Research Interest:
Wireless & Mobile Communication, 
Computer Applications.
Phone: 0189438434 (cell)
Email: rhbhuiyan@eee.buet.ac.bd    

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Courses Offered This Term :

No Courses
(Currently on study leave for PhD program in the University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA)

"We can never say that any theory is final or corresponds to absolute truth,

 because at any moment new facts may be discovered and compel us to 

abandon it.


Last Update : August 27, 2006
First Upload : February 07 2005